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You can share your results in this post if you’d like :V (I’d love to see them)
mine lol
Final results: Name: Kaila Wargem Gender: Female Eye Colors: Red [Iris and Pupil] Ear type: Medium Ears Jewel type: Souls (Color: Red / Rare / Power: Purify souls from corruption.) Weapon: Claws Secondary Ability (If applicable): Manipulate Fire(Coalflare)
what I got hhhhhhh I am black and red and e d g e and will yeet fire at you
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Final results:
Name: Kaila Wargem
Gender: Female
Eye Colors: Red [Iris and Pupil]
Ear type: Medium Ears
Jewel type: Souls (Color: Red / Rare / Power: Purify souls from corruption.)
Weapon: Claws
Secondary Ability (If applicable): Manipulate Fire(Coalflare)
what I got hhhhhhh
I am black and red and e d g e and will yeet fire at you